It is not simply another kind of massage, it rather is an erotic touch-worship-massage-ritual, that was interwoven to a real artwork. During the treatment the sexual energy will be awakened in a respectful and heedful manner and will be extended throughout the entire body to promote the healing and secondly to help you to expand your awareness of sexuality. During the process you will also have a chance to experience new sensation of the orgasm in your whole body. Tantra Massage - Sexual healing is quite often helpful with the problems of impotence, premature ejaculation and inability to feel the orgasm during sexual encounters.
In this specially designed massage we amalgamate the knowledge from the Kahula Tantra School with the knowledge from Tibet and the Sacred Alchemy to achieve the strengthening of the harmony, union and understanding between the partners.
The ritual of purification with 4 elements will open this exclusive session preparing you for the unblocking, activation and expansion of your sexual energy during the massage. With the orgasmic energy of the Sacred Points we will reach an ultimate point of energy and pleasure, which during the closing alchemical ritual will allow us to unblock and amplify sexual, emotional and energetic connection between the partners.
Let your cares drift away and indulge in a wonderful relaxing massage. Receiving this premium massage is one of the most pleasurable experiences you can offer yourself. The smell of incense, soothing and relaxing music, the aroma of pure essential oils, the gentle glow of candle lights and the relaxing and harmonious strokes of the hands will take you on a journey of absolute relaxation, which will help you to rejuvenate and feel full of energy and vitality.
This is it. A massage especially designed for those with a stronger and bigger body build that needs a deep tissue massage. This is a combination of various massage styles and techniques, very strong but not painful, so that you may feel your muscles relaxing effectively.
You know that you don't have the time and the motivation to be a full-time professional body builder, but you would still like to look great and feel strong and healthy? We will help you to achieve your goals much quicker. It is much easier than you think, and the results are guaranteed.